An Update


Hey there! Long time no blog. Despite my best efforts to maintain a schedule airtight enough to get everything done and allow time for me to indulge my hobbies while getting enough sleep, the past month was relentlessly busy and, because of that, you haven’t heard from me recently. But now that the craziest of times have more or less passed, I have returned with an update as to where I’ve been and where I’d like to take this blog in the coming months. Generally, things are going excellently well, and even though I regret not posting for a month, I am ecstatic for why that just wasn’t feasible, and I’m excited for you to hear why today.

A lot has happened in the past four weeks. Let’s retrace my steps in chronological order, starting with the fact that I have found and moved into a wonderful new apartment with my amazing girlfriend. The hunt for the perfect place mirrored the ways I often find major life milestones- without looking very hard for them. We had done plenty of online research for apartments, narrowing down square footage and amenities while looking for areas within our budget. After a disappointing tour at another complex, Kaylyn and I decided not to end the day on a low note and to instead go to the nearest community just to look. When we pulled into the gated community right up the road just next to Chastain Park in North Buckhead, we knew we were home. Beautiful tree coverage, protective security measures, and a young vibe checked all of the boxes for what we wanted. The unit itself is fantastic, with two spacious bedrooms, a cozy patio, a modern kitchen, and a big living room that we’re already filling with furniture. The Georgia State University Lofts and Patton Hall were a great home for four years, but we are delighted and ready for a change and an upgrade.

Why were we moving in the first place, you ask? We just graduated college. It still feels a bit strange to type that on the keyboard or say it out loud, but it’s true nonetheless. I have earned my Bachelor’s degree in English, graduating with high honors as Magna Cum Laude. My time at GSU will stay with me forever. Lifelong friends, great memories, and so many interesting courses gave me a unique and irreplaceable college experience that I’m forever grateful for. I leave Georgia State Panther strong, ready to make my mark on the world.

Unpacking boxes, hosting gatherings, working full-time, and finding time enough for myself and loved ones has been a task to behold recently. But as things begin to settle down and I get to transition into the next phase of life, it is promising to look forward and to plan the next steps. As far as my blog goes, I want to set a reasonable and sustainable goal that won’t add pressure to me creating content here. For now, I am going to aim for one blog post per week. That includes more album reviews, more style spotlight posts (I may have just purchased some long-awaited pieces - don’t worry, I’m still saving my $), and plenty of other favorites of mine to feature here. It’s good to practice, and it makes me happy to do what I love.

Thanks for sticking around and caring enough to read through this update of mine. Everything that is happening is hitting me in waves, but I don’t think it has all fully registered yet. I have enjoyed every second of these formative milestone occasions. I am ready and confident to step into the next chapter in stride. I have felt more gratitude and support in recent weeks than ever before, and I am endlessly grateful for my circumstances and who I have in my life. With all of that being said, it’s good to be back.

Update: Back To School And The Future Of This Blog

Often when content creators update their audiences about what is going on in their lives and how the scheduling and consistency of their content is going to change, the end is near. Usually if something significant enough is happening to update the audience about it, it’s enough to disrupt the creative process and put to a halt any momentum that was beginning to build. Luckily, that isn’t the case here. This is a happy update.

It’s true, I’m entering a new chapter in my life. I’m back to downtown apartment living right across the hall from my beautiful girlfriend, attending college, and chipping away at the required credit hours I have left until I get the highly-coveted diploma that I’ve been working so hard (debatable) for for the entirety of my academic life. What I do know, though, is that I’ve set myself up quite nicely for the next four or so months. I attend classes on Mondays and Wednesdays only, and the rest of my classes are online. This allows me to regiment and schedule my assignments ensuring that I will be able to complete them comfortably, and maybe, just maybe, write a blog post every once in a while.

OR, write them just as often as I had been over the summer. That’s right, I’m still aiming for 2-3 blog posts per week in the same variety of topics that I have been covering over the past months since I started this project despite the additional work being thrown my way. Established series will continue along with new ones starting soon, album and movie reviews will come as soon as I’m able to hear/see them (lots of good media coming out this fall), and the list of one-off posts continues to grow in my notes app. The biggest update here is that I’m in a good place. School is going well so far, I feel as enthused about writing as I ever have, and I’m excited for what life has to offer me in the coming months.

Thank you for continued support in reading these blog posts, I hope you are as excited as I am for them to continue. Also, enjoy the photo collage from the view in my room. Not too shabby, eh? You can follow me on Instagram here for more similar content.