Album Review: Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez - Gorillaz

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Since the dawn of the millennium, the electropop band Gorillaz has captivated audiences around the world all while setting the newest trends in the industry. Co-founder and lead singer David Albarn can largely be credited for a lot of the group’s successes, as his creativity and impressive lyricism have helped differentiate the brand and established its instantly-recognizable quality. Some of the band’s earlier albums are some of my favorites, such as Demon Days and Plastic Beach, which will forever hold permanent places in my library. Gorillaz’ two most recent releases, however, Humanz and The Now Now, left me disappointed in the direction the group was heading. Luckily, with the release of Song Machine: Season One: Strange Timez, my faith in the band has been completely restored as they now only recapture the magical sound which I loved, but used unconventional features and stellar production to mature their sound in ways I never thought possible. This is an excellent album.

The album’s opening and title track “Strange Timez (feat. Robert Smith)” is a perfect example of how an atypical feature can be used to perfectly match a band’s aesthetic in fresh, creative ways. The Cure’s lead singer and very recognizable voice lay the foundation for this project while criticizing aspects of the world we live in and getting things off to a great start. “The Valley of The Pagans (feat. Beck)” also uses its feature extraordinarily well, which surprised me, as I have found Beck’s most recent releases and features somewhat lackluster, but not here. “The Last Chord (feat. Leee John)” is a less futuristic cut that still impressed me and reminded me very much of the band’s early work. “Pac-Man (feat. ScHoolboy Q)” is one of my favorite songs from the Gorillaz discography, which says a lot considering that the band gave us “Feel Good Inc.” and “Clint Eastwood.” This track effortlessly checks all of the boxes for the quintessential Gorillaz track, such as 2-D’s whispery vocals, a clean instrumental, and a grimy rap feature with more introspection than expected. So far, so good.

“Chalk Tablet Towers (feat. St Vincent)” is another solid track, but I find that it lacks some of the structural complexity that makes the rest of the songs on this album so compelling. It’s a bit of a one-note that doesn’t take away or add much from the rest of the project. “The Pink Phantom (feat. Elton John and 6LACK)” is a wonderfully produced track that delivers more of an emotional and substantive punch. This combination of features perplexed me at first, but if it were to work (which it absolutely does), it would be on a Gorillaz album. The contrast provided between Elton John’s whimsical and dramatic vocals and 6LACK’s autotuned rap delivery just works on this song. “Aries (feat. Peter Hook and Georgia)” understandably borrows heavily from New Order’s aesthetic, which I don’t have a problem with, since the feature is used so appropriately in the tracklisting. “Friday 13th (feat. Octavian)” is another calm, less futuristic cut that uses its feature well. Heading into its closing tracks, this album hardly misses a beat.

“Dead Butterflies (feat. Kano and Roxani Arias)” is one of 2-D’s best vocal performances on the album, using introspective lyricism. The production here is very hip-hop-inspired with competing snares and kickdrums which contrast nicely with a gentler vocal delivery. “Désolé (feat. Fatoumata Diawara)” is another upbeat highlight with smooth guitar backing that gets stuck in my head very easily. The track’s closing minute reaches a beautiful crescendo of strings and vocals that set up the final track beautifully. “Momentary Bliss (feat. slowthai & Slaves)” features a loud, punk vocal performance from Slowthai who always makes his presence known on tracks. This is the perfect closing track for such a concise, well put together album.

Besides just a couple of dull moments in the tracklisting, this newest Gorillaz album is sharp, to the point, and so catchy it’s ridiculous. I’m so glad that Damon Albarn has returned to the sound I’ve grown so fond of from the band over the years. This is one of the group’s best projects in a long, long time, and I can’t wait to see where they go from here. In the meantime, though, it’s Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez, one of my favorite albums of the year, on repeat.

Favorite tracks: “Strange Timez (feat. Robert Smith)”, “The Valley of The Pagans (feat. Beck”), “The Lost Chord (feat. Leee John)”, “Pac-Man (feat. ScHoolboy Q)”, “The Pink Phantom (feat. Elton John and 6LACK)”, “Aries (feat. Peter Hook & Georgia)”, “Dead Butterflies (feat. Kano & Roxani Arias)”, “Désolé (feat. Fatoumata Diawara)”, “Momentary Bliss (feat. slowthai & Slaves)

SCORE: 9/10

Final Presidential Debate Analysis

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On Thursday night, former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump met on the debate stage in Nashville, Tennessee for the final time. After what many called a disastrous first debate, changes were made to improve the event, including muting microphones for each candidate’s two-minute initial responses. These changes seem to have worked, as snapshot polls reflect that this debate was more informative than the first. But with less than two weeks until Election Day, each candidate’s strategy was clear: Biden was to hold steady, and Trump was to throw haymakers. It seems that despite Trump’s increased attempts at civility while still challenging Biden didn’t land and that Biden will continue as the clear favorite ahead of November 3rd.

One of the most improved debate elements on Thursday was the moderation. NBC News anchor Kristen Welker assertively but fairly gave both candidates chances to fully answer questions and defend themselves from accusations. This varied greatly from Chris Wallace’s moderation in the first debate, which according to many, couldn’t stop the constant interrupting which defined the candidates’ first encounter. Many of the most pressing issues the country is currently facing were addressed, including race relations, health care, the coronavirus, and climate change. With over 50,000,000 ballots already cast in the 2020 election, the effectiveness of potential October surprises is more questionable than usual, and I don’t think any bombshells were dropped this time around.

Despite seemingly making an effort to appear more humble and respectful than he did in the first debate, Donald Trump fell back on his tendency to make erroneous claims. At one point he stated that immigrants who seek asylum and return for a court date are “low IQ”, and at another point once again claimed he has done the most for the Black community since President Abraham Lincoln. When contrasted with Biden’s direct approach in speaking to the issues the American people are facing, the characters of the candidates on the stage becomes overwhelmingly clear.

Although we haven’t received an abundance of post-debate national or state polls, it appears that Joe Biden’s lead is holding steady with only 10 days left until the end of the election. FiveThirtyEight’s forecast currently gives Joe Biden an 87% chance of winning, and while this certainly isn’t a definitive prediction, it makes Donald Trump’s chances for mounting another unprecedented comeback extremely slim. But after the 2016 election, we know that anything is possible, especially under an electoral college system that disproportionately benefits the Republican Party.

At this point, the choice is clear. With a country facing so many issues and as partisan as ever, I expect record-high voter turnout for the 2020 cycle. It’s unfortunate that the second debate is the final debate instead of having a third as was originally scheduled, but I suppose that’s what happens when super-spreader events are held irresponsibly. Who do you think won the final presidential debate of 2020? Thanks for reading. Now go vote if you haven’t already.

TV Review: Ted Lasso (Season One)

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In a year of unprecedented struggles, hardships, and tragedies, moments of comic relief have been few and far between. Instead of being able to make normal jokes and observations about the world around us, many have resorted to dark humor and comic nihilism to cope with the current uncertainties of life. Luckily, Apple TV+ has blessed its subscribers with a momentary time-out from the chaos we found ourselves living in with the release of the first season of Ted Lasso. The series follows an American college football coach who is recruited to lead an English Premier League soccer team, but it is so much more than that. The first season is heartfelt, inspiring, and chock-full of hilarious one-liners and precarious circumstances.

I’ve always been a big fan of Jason Sudeikis. Whether it was his time at Saturday Night Live or his off-screen style, he has always seemed like a genuine and talented person. Up until this point since leaving SNL, Sudeikis has struggled to find a recurring role either acting or writing for a successful comedy series. His contributions to Ted Lasso, however, seem to have gone over extremely successfully so far, as the show has received significant critical acclaim since its release. I’m glad that the series has been picked up for another season.

The show avoids the pitfalls of typical sports comedy tropes. Every character, including players, coaches, and management, has a level of compelling complexity which adds the dimensional richness I desire in comedies. Without getting into spoilers, each character is on their own journey and evolves as the season progresses, but there is still so much room for growth in season two. The wit and cleverness of the writing is unparalleled, and triumphs over the boring, run-of-the-mill network comedies which have disappointed for years. This show just has the “it” factor, similar to how Schitt’s Creek always did, which makes me think it can be successful in the long-term.

Times are tough. We are all navigating these uncharted waters differently. I am confident, however, that finding something relatable to laugh at comes as a relief to all of us right now. Ted Lasso, as wholesome as it is, also produces genuinely funny moments. I highly suggest you check it out on Apple TV+.

SCORE: 9/10

Vice Presidential Debate Analysis

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On Wednesday night, Vice President Mike Pence and Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris met on the debate stage in Salt Lake City, Utah. Though Vice Presidential debates historically don’t impact polls or the race in general, this year’s veeps are more significant than usual due to Joe Biden’s and Donald Trump’s age. This debate was much more substantive than the disastrous first presidential debate, where Donald Trump was likely contagious with the coronavirus. There were a few key moments which defined Wednesday’s debate, and there is now good reason to think Trump’s campaign is all but defeated.

Kamala Harris is known for her superior rhetorical skills and debate experience, and while she was less pointed than usual against Pence, those skills were on display Wednesday night. Harris confidently and completely answered the majority of moderator Susan Page’s questions, but refused to answer whether or not a Biden administration would pack the Supreme Court. While many conservative political pundits see this as a dodge, I view this as a strategic tactic to avoid the backlash which would come from either a yes or no. If Biden and Harris were to commit to packing the courts, the entire right and those on the left who oppose it would be upset. If they weren’t to make that commitment, those on the left in favor of packing the court would show dismay. My opinion on the matter is if Donald Trump and the Republican Senate nominate and approve Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court after barring Barack Obama from doing the same with Merrick Garland in 2016, they should absolutely pack the court with diverse, young, liberal justices. Actions have consequences.

Another key moment was Kamala Harris’s opening answer and subsequent condemnation of the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus. Without mincing words, Harris highlighted and scorned Mike Pence for inaction which has led to the deaths of over 218,000 Americans. Pence showed apathetic “sympathy” for those affected by the virus, but couldn’t outline a plan the coronavirus task force is following the lessen the damage the virus is still causing. On the other hand, Kamala Harris outlined exactly what she and Joe Biden would do to finally handle the pandemic which has halted the economy and needlessly hurt so many over the past months.

In keeping with Pence’s inability to clearly answer questions directly, he displayed a new tactic at Wednesday night’s debate. When Susan Page introduced questions related to a new topic, Pence continually regressed and tried to answer the last set of questions which were asked. After doing so, Harris would answer the same question, and Pence would claim he needed time to address the issue as if he hadn’t just given up that time deferring on the matter. This tactic came across as dodgy, and when paired with Pence’s condescending tone and strange physical appearance, totaled in a very bizarre showing for the vice president.

I only like to bring up personal appearance when it is relevant to the discourse. On Wednesday, Pence didn’t appear well. From his swollen lip to his bloodshot eye, concerns arose that Mike Pence was exhibiting early symptoms of COVID-19. After cancelling campaign events to return to Washington, it wouldn’t surprise me if Pence, too, has caught the virus. I would also be remiss not to mention the surprise star of the night’s debate, which was the fly that sat on Mike Pence’s head for over two minutes. I’m not going to read too much into this hilarious coincidence, but we all know what flies migrate toward: steaming piles of incompetence.

Although post-debate polls reflect that the electorate think Harris won the debate, it’s unclear whether or not this performance will be memorable or impactful on the race. With presidential debate two recently being canceled and time running out for the Trump campaign, it’s looking more likely that Joe Biden will have great chances on election day. Who do you think won the debate? Thanks for reading.

2020 Presidential Election Map Prediction As Of October

2020 Election Prediction October

In a normal election year cycle, one or two “October surprises” could be anticipated. Usually taking the form of unexpected news stories or revelations, these surprises can actually have an impact in states where the final popular vote count is close. This year’s election cycle, however, just like the rest of 2020, is the exact opposite of normal. One week into October and we have already found out about Donald Trump’s tax return bombshell, along with the President becoming a coronavirus super spreader who is infecting the entire White House with his irresponsibility. With less than a month to go until the last day of the election, national and statewide polling is looking promising for Joe Biden’s chances. This, of course, doesn’t mean we should become complacent or comfortable; things can change quickly. We should instead use these indicators as motivation to get out and vote if we haven’t already. In this post, I’ll be predicting the 2020 presidential election map, which is something I’ll only do once more before election day. Let’s get into it.

With time dwindling down before election day, prediction forecasts are starting to become more decisive in their projections. FiveThirtyEight, for example, calls Joe Biden a “favorite” to defeat Donald Trump, currently giving him an 84% chance of doing so. Largely, this is because the states where the popular vote margin will be high are solidifying more by the day, especially since the president caught the coronavirus. What’s interesting is that, according to my predictions, Joe Biden’s “safe” states like California, Illinois, and New York among others guarantee him 183 electoral votes, while Trump’s safe states like Wyoming, South Dakota, and Utah among others only guarantee him 94 electoral votes. This disparity in given states puts Joe Biden at a big advantage, needing to win less battleground states in order to win electorally than Donald Trump.

Even some states that were Republican strongholds for decades such as Georgia and Texas are up for grabs in this year’s election. Whether this is because of changing demographics, our current political circumstances, or some combination of both, it’s undeniable that these states will likely be closer than they have been in a long time. As a Georgia voter who has already sent off his absentee ballot, I’d love to see my state go blue, but with past incidences of voter suppression and low turnout in key demographics, I’m currently predicting a Trump win both here and in Texas. Biden doesn’t need these states like Trump does, though, so making them a problem area for the Trump campaign, especially in regard to campaign finance, bodes well for Biden and company.

What was considered for years a “blue wall” or Democratically leaning voters decided against their norm and helped elect Donald Trump in 2016. There are many reasons why this happened, but I don’t see it happening again in 2020. Biden’s ties to the Rust Belt states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and Pennsylvania would likely seal the election for him if it were held today, and likely will in November if nothing changes. Those states, along with Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and others which were formally either red or swing states that are now turning purple or blue, pad Biden’s lead comfortably.

If the election were held today, I believe Joe Biden would comfortably become the next president of the United States, winning 319-219. I’m sure that Donald Trump’s fascistic tendencies of questioning the reliability of voting by mail will only worsen as the election nears, but we’ll cross (and burn) that bridge when we get to it. In the meantime, it’s important to stay safe, informed, and active by voting, keeping up with the news, and listening to the scientific community. Thanks for reading, and enjoy tonight’s vice presidential debate.